Thought Vectors Firing Up

A grand experiment is launching today at VCU – our first cMOOC.  As it notes on the About page: Starting June 9, the official course opens for six sections taught at VCU, and the rest of the internet is invited to join along as open participants. The official name of this course at Virginia Commonwealth University is UNIV… Read more Thought Vectors Firing Up

My Kind of Learner

. I saw this image this morning, and my first impression is that this was a great metaphor for the kind of learner I would like to be … and the kind of enthusiasm and joy for learning that I would hope to imbue in my students.  Every morning, my first website after emails is… Read more My Kind of Learner

Moving Day at the CTE

Today is our final packing day here at the Center for Teaching Excellence at VCU.  Over the weekend, movers will haul our stuff across the street to our new academic building.  My new office will be halfway down the top floor. So, after nearly seven years here at the CTE, my third office.  We were… Read more Moving Day at the CTE

Final Week of BlendKit2012

Five weeks pass pretty rapidly! … In this final week of BlendKit2012, we focused on quality assurance.  Kelvin Thompson suggested the following questions to ponder: How will you know whether your blended learning course is sound prior to teaching it? How will you know whether your teaching of the course was effective once it has… Read more Final Week of BlendKit2012

BlendKit2012 Week 2

In a post last week, I discussed starting UCF‘s MOOC on blended learning.  In the first week, we looked at what our blend might be.  This week, the focus is on how and when students will interact, with each other and with the instructor. There are some things I like about this course and things… Read more BlendKit2012 Week 2

Starting BlendKit2012

This semester, Joyce Kincannon and I are both facilitating two separate faculty learning communities on blended learning.  I am also trying to wrap my brain around the whole MOOC thing.  So what better way than to sign up for a MOOC on blended learning!  Joyce is taking it too, so we will see if we… Read more Starting BlendKit2012