Thought Vectors Firing Up

A grand experiment is launching today at VCU – our first cMOOC.  As it notes on the About page: Starting June 9, the official course opens for six sections taught at VCU, and the rest of the internet is invited to join along as open participants. The official name of this course at Virginia Commonwealth University is UNIV… Read more Thought Vectors Firing Up

30-Day Challenge – Day 28 – Class Knowledge Sharing Paradox

Harold Jarche blogged about the knowledge sharing paradox today.  He defined this paradox as one where: “….enterprise social tools can constrain what they are supposed to enhance. People will freely share their knowledge if they remain in control of it because knowledge is a very personal thing. Knowledge workers care about what they need to get work… Read more 30-Day Challenge – Day 28 – Class Knowledge Sharing Paradox