A Thousand Tweets

At the recent NMC Retreat, the hashtag #NMChz had 998 tweets over the three days (at least that I could capture with Archivist).

I copied the text of the tweets, removed NMChz and RT as two obvious repetitious terms, and then dumped what was left in Wordle.

Interesting results:

Wordle: NMCRetreatTweets

Click on the image above to see the full screen version.  The retreat focused on the future of education and the role the Horizon Report could play.  After Horizon, “learning” was the most used word.  Other words that popped out at me were “thinking”, “future”, “online”, “new”, “trends”, and “change”.  What strikes you?

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2 thoughts on “A Thousand Tweets

  1. Thanks for doing this overview. As a museum person, I am surprised and disappointed on how small the word “museum” is since I know this sector is one of the key ones addressed in the Horizons report.

  2. Britt,

    Thanks for presenting the data in a visual format. Yeah! I will soon attend our national conference, NAEA (National Art Educators Association), and hope to see a similar number of tweets. Just received a letter today from conference organizers that, in addition to the announcement of a mobile app that allows participants to access handouts, scheduling and presentation outlines, included a hashtag and an encouraging message to all. Would like to see the responses and the resulting Wordle. (esp. after Thurs. class) How different might they be from this conference. I wonder if something like Tinderbox would allow a different display of data? @ Gretchen – I’d be curious to see if there is an increase in museum related responses since our community has a fairly large number of museum educators.

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