On Being There

An interesting conversation developed today in my class hashtag on Twitter.  One student shared Mary Ludden’s post “How to connect in a connectionless environment…”, which suggested that three key areas of focus were: Be present. Be connected. Be real. For some reason, the old book Fish! and the Fish Philosophy jumped to my mind. I… Read more On Being There

Thanks Wayback

Today is the start of my Northeastern class EDU-6323 – Technology as a Medium for Learning.  It also provided an interesting lesson in edtech! I spent several weeks in December setting up the course, which I have taught before…shifting some readings, condensing a week on video and adding a week on AR/VR, and re-recording my… Read more Thanks Wayback

Teaching Over the Waterfall

I unplugged a bit this past week.  My wife and I were celebrating our 46th wedding anniversary with a trip through western Pennsylvania, visiting two of Frank Lloyd Wright’s houses – Kentuck Knob and FallingWater. Both houses were interesting in that they pushed the boundaries of what typical houses were.  One of Wright’s core beliefs… Read more Teaching Over the Waterfall