Enhancing the GenAI Intent and Orientation Model

A few weeks ago, Educause published an article by Dale Pike, Brooke McGowin, Aaron Bond, Larry Cox II and Daron Williams entitled “Framing Generative AI in Education with the GenAI Intent and Orientation Model.” The article discussed the potential of generative AI (GenAI) in education and introduced the above framework to help understand and implement… Read more Enhancing the GenAI Intent and Orientation Model

Humanism and AI

I was visiting family last week (and so no blogging), and a LOT has happened while I was gone – Bryan Alexander is already remarking on the departure of Biden from the presidential race… I try and stay non-political in this blog, so I will not dive in to this issue.  My focus in this… Read more Humanism and AI

Fear of AI

Now that I am retired, it has been interesting to look back at my early 2008 posts.  One post was “Only Thing To Fear” where I discussed the challenge of teaching a Masters class in edtech when all of my students worked in schools that blocked access to many of the websites we were exploring…including… Read more Fear of AI

Truth 4.0

Over the years, I have returned several times to the concept of “truth”.  In 2008, I blogged about “Truth 2.0,” where I explored the challenges of determining truth and reliability of information in the age of Web 2.0, prompted by Monica Hesse’s Washington Post article entitled “Truth: Can You Handle It?”. I discussed how students… Read more Truth 4.0

My Old Tech Course is Old

Seven years ago, I was teaching ILD-831 – Leadership and Technology- for Creighton University.  This was an elective in their Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Leadership…and one of my favorite courses!  I posted a blog that noted that Jane Hart’s 2016 image for her update on Top Learning Tools captured the essence of my course in a… Read more My Old Tech Course is Old

Poyer AI Book

One of my favorite authors is David Poyer.  Dave was a year ahead of me at Annapolis, and in my first (or Plebe) year, he was a third-class midshipman in the same company I was in – 8th Company. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1971, and later received a master’s degree from George… Read more Poyer AI Book

Updating Ask the Machines

Back in 2017, I had a post entitled “Defining Online: Ask the Machines?“. The post discussed the implications of AI developing knowledge that humans may not fully comprehend, based on Dave Weinberger’s Backchannel article. Key points (as summarized by Claude for me) included: Machine learning was creating complex models beyond human understanding, challenging our traditional approach… Read more Updating Ask the Machines