Continual Beta or Plan B

This coming week, students in ILD-831 will be exploring tools for learning, including the analysis of a specific tool that they chose and exploration for how that tool might impact leadership. Meanwhile, in my EDU-6323 class, several students commented that articles such as Mike Wesch’s (2009) From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able and EDUCAUSE’s (2015) Next Generation… Read more Continual Beta or Plan B

Only Been One Decade

I loved the second chapter of Tom Friedman’s new book, Thank You For Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations.  The chapter title is “What the Hell Happened in 2007?” Good question.  It has only been a decade since 2007, and given that I joined the VCU Center for Teaching… Read more Only Been One Decade

Exploring the Intersection of Leadership and Technology

I am always stoked when I get a chance to teach ILD 831 for Creighton University.  This course in their Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Leadership Program has an eclectic group of leaders from around the world exploring the impact of technology in general and the internet in particular on leadership in organizations. Through this examination, these… Read more Exploring the Intersection of Leadership and Technology

The Hyperconnected Life

Interesting infographic from InternetProvider.Org on the positive and negative influences of hyperconnectiveness, based on the Pew Internet and American Life Project.    

Toe Dipping in Technology

As many of you know, Jeff Nugent and I teach a graduate course in the Preparing Future Faculty program called GRAD-602: Teaching, Learning and Technology.  Our 24 PhD candidates and post-docs spend the first 6 weeks exploring different potential technologies, such as blogs, Twitter, Diigo, and other networked applications.  Most of them are familiar with… Read more Toe Dipping in Technology

Sorta Like the Sky

My wife was shopping at Jo-Ann‘s Fabrics this afternoon, which meant I was across the street with a cup of coffee and my Nook ereader.  I have just started Larry Rosen’s 2010 book Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn. So far, I am only up through Chapter 2, but I came across… Read more Sorta Like the Sky

What Walls Need Tearing Down?

Michael Bugeja’s opinion piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education, “Reduce the Technology, Rescue Your Job,” struck a nerve today.  He started by noting that for “most of this decade, professors embraced the pedagogy of engagement, wooing students via technology and ignoring the costs because traditional methods, from textbooks to lectures, purportedly bored students who… Read more What Walls Need Tearing Down?

Ada Lovelace Day

Ada Lovelace (per Wikipedia) “is today appreciated as the ‘first programmer’ since she was writing programs-that is, manipulating symbols according to rules-for a machine that Babbage had not yet built. She also foresaw the capability of computers to go beyond mere calculating or number-crunching while others, including Babbage himself, focused only on these capabilities.”  Wikipedia… Read more Ada Lovelace Day