A History Lesson

Earlier in the month, Jared Horvath posted a short article by Jon Haidt and Zach Rausch entitled “The EdTech Revolution Has Failed.” In  this post, they noted that the early 2010s saw a digital revolution in Western schools with the widespread adoption of 1-to-1 devices like laptops, tablets, and iPads. However, they felt that this… Read more A History Lesson

Two Faces of Social Media

This week, I start teaching an 8-week course for Merrimack – ED6306 – Technology, Communication and School Improvement.  One of the course objectives is for students to revise or develop a social media marketing plan for their school. And I am half-way through the Spring term at Northeastern for EDU6333 – Social Media and Beyond,… Read more Two Faces of Social Media

On Being There

An interesting conversation developed today in my class hashtag on Twitter.  One student shared Mary Ludden’s post “How to connect in a connectionless environment…”, which suggested that three key areas of focus were: Be present. Be connected. Be real. For some reason, the old book Fish! and the Fish Philosophy jumped to my mind. I… Read more On Being There

Upcoming Conference

This coming Friday, I will be in Boston to attend the Northeastern College of Professional Studies 2018 Faculty Development Conference.  I have been teaching at Northeastern for 3 years, and enjoy both the classes and the progressive approach to education that is Northeastern.  Given that I live 560 miles south of the campus, I usually… Read more Upcoming Conference