RSS Workshop

I did a brown-bag workshop today for faculty.  I feel that too few faculty take advantage of RSS feeds to inform their teaching and research. It occurred to me that I could impact many more faculty than the few who attend lunch sessions if I upload my presentation to SlideShare, which I did!  I may… Read more RSS Workshop

Education Blogs

I shared with my graduate class the blogs I that routinely read.  I must first caveat that statement by noting that I use Google Reader as an aggregator to collect any updates on a daily basis to the seventeen blogs that I subscribe to.  So, in no particular order, here are my favorite educational blogs: 21st Century… Read more Education Blogs

Social Tools and Learning

There were several related and yet independent posts last week on some of the blogs I follow that were worthy of reflection. The first was by danah boyd (she likes lower case letters…) who responded to the THE ECONOMIST’s call for discussion on whether social networking would impact education or not. Her comment was: “I… Read more Social Tools and Learning

Hello Flat World!

I have decided to take Michele Martin’s advice and quit lurking and start blogging!   More to come! Britt Britt Watwood, Ed.D. Online Learning Specialist VCU Center for Teaching Excellence