Day Two at NMC Retreat

Day Two at the NMC Future of Education Retreat was just as amazing as the first night, if not more so.  Take one hundred colleagues from higher education, K12, museums, and corporate technology companies and have them think out loud for a day…that was the process at this retreat.  Just look at the sticky notes on the board to the left:

Lev Gonick started us off this morning with a description of work Case Western Reserve has done to extend into the Cleveland community.  The problem was framed with three numbers.  Kids in Cleveland who attain a degree – 8%.  Women in Cleveland with diabetes – 33%.  Families in suburban Cleveland in poverty – 57%.  His premise – if everyone in the community (not just inside four walls of institution) had unlimited bandwidth, what opportunities would now be possible?  Could an institution of higher education begin to impact health, poverty, social good, or the local issues any community has?   If bandwidth is infinite and everyone has a mobile device, would institutions of learning change their structure?  David again captured the discussion.


Rueben Puentadura then walked us through two hundred thousand years of human history, mapping out the need for socialization, mobility, visualization, storytelling, and finally gaming.  This was mapped to emerging technologies from the past eight or so Horizon Reports.  More discussion around the table, resulting in:


We then shifted gears to discuss transformations.  Over the course of the rest of the day, we worked in groups to visualize changes and emerging trends.  What surfaced was something David Sibbet termed VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.  The image below backs that up!

The social media was very busy.  Using Archivist, I captured 613 tweets from today, as well as this social graph of twitter users of the hashtag #NMChz:

Obviously, it will take days to process what happened over ten hours today…but this gives a feel.  The energy level in the room never dropped, and I felt very lucky to swim in this stream with these amazing colleagues!


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