For six years now, Jane Hart has annually compiled the Top 100 Tools for Learning. She does this by crowdsourcing the list and having learning professionals in the field provide their top ten tools. One can submit their top ten tools via Twitter or Facebook or a survey. The 2011 list has had over 160,000 views on her website and over 560,000 views on Slideshare. I have been submitting my top tools over the past few years, and both my list and hers continue to evolve.
My top ten tools this year are:
1. WordPress – a blogging platform that I use and suggest to my students. I am increasingly seeing WordPress as a potential learning management system that is more open than Blackboard, Angel or D2L.
2. Google Reader – my main aggregator for feeds from news sites, journals, and blogs. It seems like RSS is losing steam (or simply disappearing off websites), so not sure how much longer I’ll be using this.
3. Diigo – my social bookmarking platform. I continue to use it heavily for personal use, but have been using it less instructionally, primarily again because RSS has become problematic.
4. Twitter – My social networking platform of choice to maintain loose connections with my personal learning network.
5. Tweetdeck – a useful desktop application for managing tweets.
6. Netvibes – I have used both Google Sites and Netvibes to aggregate student blogs for classes, and my preference is Netvibes, both aesthetically and for ease of use.
7. Facebook – Where the students are…though I have used it more for maintaining connections with past students than for learning with present students. I plan to play with Facebook group pages for my class this coming year.
8. Camtasia – still very useful for creating short screencasts for my classes. I tend to point students to Screenr as a free alternative.
9. Prezi – I have shifted from PowerPoint to Prezi this year and may never go back! I like the creativity that Prezi allows. I still use Presentation Zen to guide my Prezi production.
10. Dropbox – my file service on the cloud.
I stated up front that these are my top tools for learning “at the present moment” – but I do see shifts occurring in the next year. I think this is the first year that I have not listed my learning management system (Blackboard) in my top ten, which is pretty telling on its own. My home institution has moved to Google Apps for email and productivity, so potentially I will shift from using Dropbox to Google Drive, which folds in another favorite tool of mine, Google Docs. As we all move to more open platforms and mobile friendly applications, some of the above will evolve as well. I did not list smartphones or tablets in my top ten, but I am increasingly aware of how well my tools work (or do not work) on mobile devices.
Thank you, Jane, for continuing to provide this service and for pushing our thinking about the tools we use for learning!
{Photo Credit: Ontario Wanderer}
Presentation Zen? I’ve recently started attending a weekly Buddhism discussion and meditation group. Funny, this hasn’t come up yet! This past semester you introduced me to both Prezi and Diigo, tools I now count among my favs. Still on the hunt for the right blog aggregater tool for me… will keep you posted if I stumble across something new and exciting.
Just out of curiosity, have you used any of these tools for your own children or younger students?
My son and his group are in the beginning stages of their National History Day project. I can see many of your favorite tools useful for them. Adults they are not, but children of the 21st century they are-a great way to make technology a natural choice for learning and collaborating!
Laurie – my “kids” now have kids of their own, aged 2-6 yrs. So I definitely see them using digital tools as they enter school. My grandkids love Angry Birds and are at home using an iPad.
If you have not seen it, check out this 7th grader using digital tools in “Welcome to my PLE“.