The Risk of Not Engaging

As I was driving in this morning, I was listening to NPR Morning Edition, and they aired a story about British Ambassador Tom Fletcher‘s farewell letter to Lebanon.  Ambassador Fletcher has been at his post for the past three years, a time of tremendous strife with the Syrian conflict so close. As moving as the… Read more The Risk of Not Engaging

Digital Leadership

I have read about half of a recent book from George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, and Andrew McAfee – Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation (2014).  Their premise is that the innovations of the past decade have been nothing short of astonishing – yet they are just the warm up acts for what is to… Read more Digital Leadership

A Look Back Six Years

Monday, Lindsey Sudbury, a member of Academic Technology Services here at Northeastern University, and I did a 90-minute interactive presentation to our English department at their End of Term Retreat.  It was a 30,000 f00t fly-over of a variety of digital tools that might add engagement in writing classes, including social media tools.  Our slides… Read more A Look Back Six Years

In an Internet Minute

Jane Hart shared this neat infographic from Tech Span.  It is interesting to see how social media continues to grow year to year.  One wonders why YouTube growth was so much faster than other established processes… Thoughts? Created by Tech Spartan