Poyer AI Book

One of my favorite authors is David Poyer.  Dave was a year ahead of me at Annapolis, and in my first (or Plebe) year, he was a third-class midshipman in the same company I was in – 8th Company. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1971, and later received a master’s degree from George… Read more Poyer AI Book

Encouraging Knowmads

I learned an interesting turn of phrase today while reading Steve Wheeler’s new book Digital Learning in Organizations: Help Your Workforce Capitalize on Technology (2019). “Knowmad” I am about a third of the way through this book…and I am enjoying it.  I have followed Steve Wheeler (a.k.a. @Timbuckteeth) for a decade now on both his… Read more Encouraging Knowmads

Reading Soonish

Thanks to Bryan Alexander’s lead, a bunch of us are reading Kelly and Zach Weinersmith’s interesting and somewhat zany look at the future of technology – Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies That’ll Improve and/or Ruin Everything.  After reading what I would consider to be thoughtful explorations of the future, such as Kevin Kelly’s The Inevitable, Thomas… Read more Reading Soonish