Evangelizing Teaching

As we approach the end of Spring semester in GRAD-602, our students are beginning to submit their reflections on the book they read for the course.  They had a choice of five books: Ambrose, S. et. al. (2010). How Learning Works: 7 Research-based Principles for Smart Teaching Bain, K. (2011). What the Best College Teachers… Read more Evangelizing Teaching

Collaborative Assessment

Last night, we focused on the role of “assessment” in learning in our GRAD-602 class.  We had a good discussion around formative and summative assessment, and potential digital tools that could be used formatively or summatively for assessment. What we did not discuss was the concept of collaboration in assessment.  So this morning, Joyce Kincannon,… Read more Collaborative Assessment

My Current Top Tools

Jane Hart tweeted that her 8th annual survey of learning professionals was out for her Top Tools for Learning 2014.  I always find this list interesting and a great resource to share with my students.  I regularly use quite a number, and have at least played with all but 18 of the top hundred.  Last… Read more My Current Top Tools

Connecting Some Dots

…or maybe not connecting some dots…  Thinking about two blog posts this morning how they weave into thoughts about online teaching and learning. The first was by Debbie Morrison – “What the Internet is Doing to Our Education Culture: Book Review of The Shallows“.  Debbie reviewed the book by Nicholas Carr – The Shallows: What… Read more Connecting Some Dots

Why Networked Learning?

Jeff Nugent, Joyce Kincannon and I sat down this morning to record a podcast that riffed off of our GRAD-602 class last night.  We had continued our exploration of digital practices, focusing on communication and collaboration. We started last week with a Shirky quote last week on the largest increase in expressive capacity ever.  Another… Read more Why Networked Learning?

30-Day Challenge – Day 28 – Class Knowledge Sharing Paradox

Harold Jarche blogged about the knowledge sharing paradox today.  He defined this paradox as one where: “….enterprise social tools can constrain what they are supposed to enhance. People will freely share their knowledge if they remain in control of it because knowledge is a very personal thing. Knowledge workers care about what they need to get work… Read more 30-Day Challenge – Day 28 – Class Knowledge Sharing Paradox