Enhancing the GenAI Intent and Orientation Model

A few weeks ago, Educause published an article by Dale Pike, Brooke McGowin, Aaron Bond, Larry Cox II and Daron Williams entitled “Framing Generative AI in Education with the GenAI Intent and Orientation Model.” The article discussed the potential of generative AI (GenAI) in education and introduced the above framework to help understand and implement… Read more Enhancing the GenAI Intent and Orientation Model

Fear of AI

Now that I am retired, it has been interesting to look back at my early 2008 posts.  One post was “Only Thing To Fear” where I discussed the challenge of teaching a Masters class in edtech when all of my students worked in schools that blocked access to many of the websites we were exploring…including… Read more Fear of AI

Where’s the Faculty?

Way back in 1984, Wendy’s introduced an advertisement that in modern terms would be seen as having gone “viral.”  Three elderly ladies are at a fast food counter ordering a Big Bun, and one says: As I read Educause’s article on the IDEAS Framework this past week, a similar reaction hit me.  Where’s the faculty?… Read more Where’s the Faculty?

Small Teaching Revisited

Jim Lang is out with his Second Edition to Small Teaching.  Anyone who follows me knows that I have liked this series, blogging about the First Edition here and the companion book that Flower Darby and Jim wrote on Small Teaching Online here. I first met Jim Lang at a local brainstorming session in Boston… Read more Small Teaching Revisited