Exploring the Intersection of Leadership and Technology

I am always stoked when I get a chance to teach ILD 831 for Creighton University.  This course in their Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Leadership Program has an eclectic group of leaders from around the world exploring the impact of technology in general and the internet in particular on leadership in organizations. Through this examination, these… Read more Exploring the Intersection of Leadership and Technology

Evangelizing Teaching

As we approach the end of Spring semester in GRAD-602, our students are beginning to submit their reflections on the book they read for the course.  They had a choice of five books: Ambrose, S. et. al. (2010). How Learning Works: 7 Research-based Principles for Smart Teaching Bain, K. (2011). What the Best College Teachers… Read more Evangelizing Teaching

30-Day Challenge – Day 21 – Crazy Teaching Practices

Ilya Pozin, founder of Open Me and Ciplex, and a columnist for Inc, Forbes and LinkedIn, had an article  in LinkedIn called “15 Crazy Best Practices That Really Work.” Ilya noted that for entrepreneurs, conventional wisdom does not always work, especially in the disruptive market today.  He posted 15 “crazy ideas” from fellow entrepreneurs who… Read more 30-Day Challenge – Day 21 – Crazy Teaching Practices