30 Day Challenge – Day 15 – Learning and Teaching

Maryellen Weimer had an interesting post today in Faculty Focus – “What’s Your Learning Philosophy?

philosophy wordleInteresting because in GRAD-602, we have had students working on their teaching philosophies. One facet of transitioning from expert student to novice faculty can be reflecting on what one’s philosophy is about teaching.  We provide resources such as Gabriela Montell’s “How to Write a Statement of Teaching Philosophy” and resources from Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching.  We have had our students make a first draft after our first module on teaching, then review it against the 2010 Kearns, Sullivan, O’Loughlin and Braun A Scoring Rubric for Teaching Statements: A Tool for Inquiry into Graduate Student Writing about Teaching and Learning.  Now, after our module on learning, they are revising it and pairing up for peer reviews.  After we complete our third module on digital technologies, they will once again revise it.

Maryellen gave me a different lens.  She noted work by Neil Haave, who suggested that “…we are all familiar with teaching philosophies. In fact, most of us have prepared them. But how many of us have crafted a learning philosophy?”  So I will take my 30-Day Challenge question for today directly from Maryellen:

Day 15 – Do the ways I approach learning inspire those I teach?

LearnOther questions Maryellen raises:

“When am I at my learning best and worst, and what do I take from those experiences? How do I handle learning that is hard? How do I deal with failure? Do I spend too much time learning what I love and avoid everything else?”

Good questions…and good comments on Maryellen’s post about adult learners and metacognition…suggestive of facets to consider.  Before I think about updating my teaching philosophy, I first need to craft a learning philosophy.

What is your learning philosophy?

{Graphics: Christine, Robert Andrews}




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One thought on “30 Day Challenge – Day 15 – Learning and Teaching

  1. It’s been said that education is not the filling of a bucket, but the sparking of a flame. There is so much to explore on inspiring students. Next challenge maybe?

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