My Own White Bias

Over the past six months, I have been teaching courses on social media and education technology against the backdrop of both the COVID-19 pandemic and the social unrest sparked by the killing of George Floyd on May 25th.  In both tweets and posts, students have woven these two forces of change into our weekly topical… Read more My Own White Bias

Top Tools for 2019

A little over a month ago, I blogged about my current top tools for learning…though, in reality, they were a combination of tools for learning and for teaching. Jane Hart is now out with the compiled list of top tools for learning for 2019 – the aggregate Top 200, the Top 100 for Personal and… Read more Top Tools for 2019

Opportunity Lost

Many have been bemoaning the final loss of the Martian Opportunity Rover, which lost contact last June and was officially declared dead this past week after 15 years roving the Martian landscape. One could say that we lost Opportunity…but it really is a story of what we gained.  It was designed for a three month… Read more Opportunity Lost

Thanks Wayback

Today is the start of my Northeastern class EDU-6323 – Technology as a Medium for Learning.  It also provided an interesting lesson in edtech! I spent several weeks in December setting up the course, which I have taught before…shifting some readings, condensing a week on video and adding a week on AR/VR, and re-recording my… Read more Thanks Wayback

The Next Disruption

I always tell my students this…and some may even believe it – but one reason I love teaching in this digital age is that being a teacher is less about expertise as it is about facilitating learning…and that includes my own learning.  So I tell my students that I learn as much from them as… Read more The Next Disruption

Tools Retrograde

For the 12th year in a row, Jane Hart is once again asking professionals to vote on their own top tools for learning. I always look forward to Jane’s call for votes…as it provides an opportunity for me to reflect on my own use.  Last year’s compilation can be found here.  My post last year… Read more Tools Retrograde

A Plethora of Websites

Last week in EDU6323, we explored formal and informal learning management systems, using our Facebook closed group to discuss the efficacy of areas like Facebook for learning rather than the time tested Blackboard.  A good discussion…but after I suggested that maybe the answer was not “LMS or Facebook” so much as “LMS and Facebook”, one… Read more A Plethora of Websites