A Plethora of Websites

Last week in EDU6323, we explored formal and informal learning management systems, using our Facebook closed group to discuss the efficacy of areas like Facebook for learning rather than the time tested Blackboard.  A good discussion…but after I suggested that maybe the answer was not “LMS or Facebook” so much as “LMS and Facebook”, one… Read more A Plethora of Websites

Reading Soonish

Thanks to Bryan Alexander’s lead, a bunch of us are reading Kelly and Zach Weinersmith’s interesting and somewhat zany look at the future of technology – Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies That’ll Improve and/or Ruin Everything.  After reading what I would consider to be thoughtful explorations of the future, such as Kevin Kelly’s The Inevitable, Thomas… Read more Reading Soonish

How Teal Are You?

Not sure why this did not show up on my radar scope the past 4 years, but a recent blog mentioned a Teal Organization…a term I had never heard.  Looking in to it, I found it referred to a leadership philosophy espoused by Frederic Laloux in his 2014 book Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating… Read more How Teal Are You?

The Next Ten Years

This past week in EDU6323, we explored blogging as an educational process.  My students shared their favorite blogs from Teach 100 and reflected on the fit of blogging in this hyperactive Snapchat world.  For many, they had previously seen blogs as entertaining, but had not considered them as educational.  Some were impressed that niche concerns… Read more The Next Ten Years

Continual Beta or Plan B

This coming week, students in ILD-831 will be exploring tools for learning, including the analysis of a specific tool that they chose and exploration for how that tool might impact leadership. Meanwhile, in my EDU-6323 class, several students commented that articles such as Mike Wesch’s (2009) From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able and EDUCAUSE’s (2015) Next Generation… Read more Continual Beta or Plan B

Automation and Education

Welcome to 2018! I am back home after two weeks on the road (i.e., Christmas with grandkids in Rhode Island and Massachusetts).  So I have been catching up on blog reading from the past couple of weeks, and a couple of posts caught my eye…resonating with my last post on lessons from Robot-Proof. The first… Read more Automation and Education