Truth 4.0

Over the years, I have returned several times to the concept of “truth”.  In 2008, I blogged about “Truth 2.0,” where I explored the challenges of determining truth and reliability of information in the age of Web 2.0, prompted by Monica Hesse’s Washington Post article entitled “Truth: Can You Handle It?”. I discussed how students… Read more Truth 4.0


Like many of you, I have been reading blog posts that summarized last year and looked forward to the new year.  “New Year Resolutions” are always kind of interesting, particularly since so few are kept! So I found Laura Blankenship’s post interesting, as she looked at the word “resolutions” itself – which flows from the… Read more Verbs

A Janus 2020 Look

Janus was an ancient Roman god of beginnings, transitions, time, passages, and endings.  He has two faces, as he always looks both at the past and the future.  The past year has certainly been a passage, with the global pandemic and the recent American elections…and as the year draws to a close, looking back and… Read more A Janus 2020 Look

My Own White Bias

Over the past six months, I have been teaching courses on social media and education technology against the backdrop of both the COVID-19 pandemic and the social unrest sparked by the killing of George Floyd on May 25th.  In both tweets and posts, students have woven these two forces of change into our weekly topical… Read more My Own White Bias

Who Am I?

I have resisted the “20-20” meme that seems prevalent…though I did like Seth Godin’s take in “Seeing Clearly in 2020“: For most of us, 2020 is going to be a turning point. Because it’s another chance to live tomorrow over again. A chance to reset, to decide what’s important and what’s worth working for. Not… Read more Who Am I?

The Next Ten Years

This past week in EDU6323, we explored blogging as an educational process.  My students shared their favorite blogs from Teach 100 and reflected on the fit of blogging in this hyperactive Snapchat world.  For many, they had previously seen blogs as entertaining, but had not considered them as educational.  Some were impressed that niche concerns… Read more The Next Ten Years

Got My Attention

Over the weekend, I continued reading Tom Friedman’s new book, Thank You For Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations.  I have to admit that the second section on accelerations – technologies, globalizations, and ecologies – scared the crap out of me! In a methodical manner, Friedman laid out his… Read more Got My Attention